Since 2010, FairFuelUK has been the only true political voice of UK drivers. We are a public affairs team with no shareholders to satisfy, just an award winning campaign representing the real concerns of hard working motorists, families, small businesses, commercial drivers and hauliers across the UK. Decades of fiscal exploitation of drivers by successive Governments with very little in return warrants the vital need for the FairFuelUK Campaign.
FairFuelUK's Top 5 Campaign Objectives 2023
Cut Fuel Duty - Implement PumpWatch - Scrap 2030 Ban - Stop ULEZs/LTNs - Reverse Anti-Driver Policies

Which Political Party will you be voting for, that's best for UK's 37m Drivers, in the General Election 2024? 

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None of the personal information you supply here will be passed onto any third party. All responses are collated, summarised and your details deleted from the responses. Please note, this survey is to gather opinion, nothing less nothing more, and is open to everyone. It is not a scientifically structured poll, but allows us and the media to assess where FairFuelUK supporters and interested parties believe our next Government should be.